Editor‘s Review
Have you ever thought about getting a call from one of your favorite anime characters? Well, thankful for modern-day technology, this thing becomes possible somehow. Have you ever imagined yourself getting a call from Elmo on Sesame Street? In the app called Elmo Calls by Sesame Street, you will have plenty of things to do on the call! So let’s check it out!
In this app, you have the choice to pick up the phone or dial the phone of Elmo either in a video call or a normal phone call. This is great for the kids to have because they would think Elmo came to life and is talking to them. But it’s also quite fun for the adult fans of Sesame Street. Well, a thing that I worry about this game feature is that if this app will acquire any personal information from the video calls, like your face or where you could live at... Also for the call, is it encrypted and secure, and do you get to say whatever you want to say to Elmo without worrying about someone else might be listening to you or just trying to spy on you? It would be great if the developers could make the players and users feel safe providing all the related information but at the same time making them have a wonderful time.
The second thing I love about this app is that you can get voice emails from Elmo which just makes me feel like I and Elmo are becoming like real-life friends. This type of interaction and connection between me and the app is highly rated by me because it’s such a pleasant experience. You will also be able to arrange shower time, potty time, or more time phone calls for Elmo which could get fun if you are someone who loves to put things in order. The interaction part of the app makes me have a great time like Elmo trying to cheer me up when I need to hear encouragement. Elmo just sorts of feels like a real-life friend that I can open up my heart and I can feel free about whatever matter I want to talk to him about. We can celebrate things on the phone or talk about my personal daily schedule. The best function of the phone call I believe singing with Elmo or just listening. This is not just for the kids but an adult could also have their unique nosological moments with Elmo and this feature cheers me up every time I try it out because who doesn’t love singing or listening to the famous cartoon character?
Some possible negative part of this game is that everything seems to be all pre-recorded so kids are more likely to get bored easily because it’s all the same thing. I mean kids love this game but there should be more content that is offered on the table for kids to communicate. With modern-day AI technology, I feel like the developers could have done something with AI replying to the specific matter from the kids or the users using the app. This is great because it’s more than just things you heard over and over again. It makes you stick with the game for a longer period and every time you or your kids feel like they could really use the phone to talk to Elmo, your app will always come in handy. Also, the game kept crashing on itself on some devices so I hope the developers could check that out for some of the players to make sure the bugs were fixed.
By Eric | Copyright © Character100 - All Rights Reserved

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